

Avenues Yoga Website and Brand Redesign

Avenues Yoga (now called Lila Studio) is a gorgeous boutique yoga studio and venue rental space. Their website is where people can sign up for classes and upcoming events.

When I came into this project, I helped them to developed a cohesive branding strategy. I also created and implemented an updated website design to reflect the studio values of an earthy calming aesthetic.

February 2021 - June 2021

Major Stakeholders

Current Students
Potential Customers

Tools Used

Figma, Canva, Illustrator, Google Forms, Photoshop, Jamboard, Wix

My Role

UX, Usability, Interaction, Visual design, Photography, Prototyping & Testing, SEO, Client Communication

This was a school project during a class that I audited. I worked alongside two other students in a team, and since we were all students of the same level we all had similar roles and responsibilities.

Scope and Constraints

Our client initially requested a redesign of their website, logo, visual branding, social media, photography, videography, flyers, posters, letterhead, app interface, and business cards.

The major limitations we faced were an 10 week time frame, all meetings had to be done virtually due to pandemic protocols, narrowing down project constraints, and our client had limited availability to meet with us.


We produced 100+ high-quality photos of the studio to be used on all media. Several of these photos are currently displayed on their website. Our client loved how they turned out.


We met with our client to discuss needs and wants, spoke to students and instructors, collected data from surveys, and researched competitors.

Pain Points

  • Website needed to be refreshed

  • Brand that wasn't recognizable

  • Old logo didn't represent the business very well

  • Word of mouth is how most people join the studio

Multiple Shareable Carts

Once a shared cart is created, it can’t be edited, and while SMs can track their link performance in the back office, customers can’t see if their links are being used or which ones are successful. Additionally, they have no way of saving their links, leading to the hassle of recreating them if lost.  

To solve this, I designed the Multiple Shareable Cart feature in Account Settings. Though it wasn’t implemented it would’ve enabled users to easily name, copy, and track their links. They could also make minor edits to carts, like changing a product flavor, without having to recreate the link, saving them significant accumulated time and effort. 

Some Survey Results


We formed personas based on our stakeholders to empathize with our users for our brainstorm.


We formed point-of-view (POV) statements to identify what exactly Avenues Yoga needed based on our persona’s goals and desires. To brainstorm with my team remotely we used sticky notes on Google Jamboard.


We developed a site map to determine the menu items and what order would assist customers in finding what they need faster. A wireframe was then developed in Figma based on feedback requests from users. Our personas offered great insight on what major changes needed to be implemented.


The positive reviews of the wireframe led us to create an interactive prototype to start official user testing of the upgrades.

Minimal design, high quality photos, and rounded edges provided the soft feeling our stakeholders were looking for. They were impressed by how we organized the information to appear condensed and stylish, while still containing necessary elements and functionality.

Click here to view the final Figma prototype!

View Prototype

Mobile / Resizable

All of the pages were optimized to be resizable for desktops and and mobile compatible. The content was minimized for precision to get the website's visitors the information that they needed.

Pictures were hidden and the information was rearranged to bring the most important content to the top making it clear to see. This helped users find the necessary information quickly since they would most likely access this information on the go and distracted talking to friends.

User Testing

The prototype received constant minor updates, 6 rounds of major updates, 2 rounds of 9 user tests, and 3 rounds of in-depth reviews from other designers. We wanted to gain several various perspectives by including a diverse group of people.

Style Guide

All of the design elements we'd incorporated into the prototype and the new logo were gathered for our client to utilize to define a cohesive brand identity.


During our research we identified that word-of-mouth resulted in +80% of newcomers. So we developed a digital coupon for staff and students to give out to potential clients when they meet them.

We made a custom logo for Avenues Yoga as well

See the Logo Process


We achieved our goals of:

  • Prototyping a new website design.

  • Creating a branding guide.

  • Photographing the studio, classes, and instructors for any media needs.

  • Designing a vector logo of a simplified lotus flower.

  • Developing instructor/student coupons.


Figured out how to work fully remote with a team. Refined types of questions to ask in user tests/surveys. Learned new ways of finding user needs and possible ways of helping a business. Gained experience working with a team and a new client and business.

Looking back we would’ve:

  • Finalized the website content with client sooner.

  • Asked more questions in our customer survey.

  • Established importance of timely responses from client.

Special shout out to my amazing team who worked so hard to make this project a success!