Avenues Yoga Logo Custom Redesign

Along with their website, Avenues Yoga asked us to take a look at their branding as well.

Their previous logo wasn't very recognizable and didn't quite give off the vibe of a yoga studio.

February 2021 – June 2021

Overview and Constraints

Our client used two elements as their logo, a repeating circle with their name on it, and a lotus flower image. The two were often used together, but was difficult to see and wasn't very easy to implement for practical use on things like posters.

Some of the original elements of the logo had to be kept, and we were told to keep it as simple as absolutely possible.


To combine the old elements, we took the text from the old logo, and decided to change the repeating circles to a simple lotus flower based off of the image.


Five designs that we liked the best were added into Adobe Illustrator and traced. We had to use a font finder to get the original fonts for the work mark.

Next Iteration

We chose three of them to continue with. The variations included adding sparkles and shading. 

Our client really loved the one in the top left-hand corner. We offered to make changes, but they really wanted it as is.

To Do and Not To Do

In the style guide we included a section on the logo which outlined its proper use.

The Result

Our client loved it! They were thrilled with the simplicity of the geometric shape, the familiarity of the word mark, and the identity the lotus flower brought them.

The lotus design was checked in Google Images to ensure its originality.