
Formerly, to enroll as a Social Marketer (SM), you needed to complete a very complex signup process before you were given access to the back office software. This involved having an SM sponsor, filling out a long form, browsing discounted products only available during enrollment, paying a yearly fee, and setting up a subscription.  

This was overwhelming and not intuitive, causing sponsor SMs to fill the form out for new recruits or work with them step-by-step. The business didn't want to cut any steps, so the challenge was to redesign the enrollment process to be clear and comprehensive enough for new SMs to complete independently. 

May 2023 - December 2023 

Major Stakeholders

Modere Sales 

Social Marketers (SMs, Direct Sellers) 

Tools Used

Adobe XD, Microsoft Whiteboard, Zoom, Google Analytics 

My Role

UX, UI, Usability, Remote UX Research, Competitive Analysis

This project has been conducted with a team that included sales representatives and other specialists in the company were consulted during the course of the project. Credit for the following work is shared among all contributors involved. 

Pain Points

  • Lack of product details 

  • Poor information hierarchy 

  • Steps are split on two separate websites

  • Messy form 

  • Too much text 

  • Poor error messaging

“I remember signing up and not having any idea want I want to have on my subscription, I hadn’t tried anything yet! I just picked some things and put it on there.” ​

“Some people probably bypass that step all together because they aren’t really sure about what it is or what they would want. But then they aren’t commission earning eligible.”​

“The thing that was confusing for me when onboarding was not knowing the products. What are Phyto Reds? What is Axis? I didn’t know what any of the products were, and so picking the XM pack was a little challenging. I had to go to modere.com to figure out what they were.”​

- Social Marketers

Condensing the Flow

We redesigned the enrollment form and the flow to the shopping website for a clearer, smoother process.

This gives time back to sponsors and makes a strong first impression on new SMs, showing Modere as professional and user-friendly.

By improving the initial experience, we reduce drop-offs and help new SMs feel confident and proud to join Modere. 

Click here to view the Adobe XD designs:

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Development Issue

This needed to be done alongside the shopping site re-platform, but the developers had limited time. Thus, the back office enrollment form initially remained largely unchanged. 

However, they managed to move the product selection process to the shopping site, allowing new SMs to see full product details and feel confident about their purchases which was a huge win. 

Round Two

After the new shopping website was launched, the next project was implementing the Brand Partner (Affiliate) program. The enrollment flow was then readdressed since a new flow was necessary for the Partners.

Main Changes: 

  • Entire flow moved to the shopping website

  • Progress indicators added

  • UserGuiding technology implemented to give tips that will help new enrollers

  • Flow optimized to reduce effort and pre-fill as much information as possible

  • Minimum subscription requirement removed from flow and made a permanent feature since it needs to be maintained

Click here to view the Figma designs:

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With the rearrangement of the enrollment process we have already seen positive results. 

  • More SMs starting out commission eligible.

  • Fewer new SMs needing to be personally guided through enrollment.

  • Higher first impression approval rates.

Special shout out to my amazing team who worked so hard to make this project a success!