Shareable Cart Evolution

Shareable Cart is an innovative feature allowing Social Marketers (SMs) to present a direct link to a Shopping Cart already filled with the exact products their target audience is looking for.  This simplified marketing strategies and increased sales revenue. This feature established a trend in the direct sales industry and many other companies have copied this feature since its inception.

  • October 2021 - January 2022 (SocR 2.0 Share the Love)

With Big Commerce, we simplified Shareable Cart from its original inception. Shareable Cart went from being a hidden gem of a feature to an intuitive process for Social Marketers.

  • September 2023 (Big Commerce Shareable Cart)

The next design of Shareable Cart involved SMs being able to create more than one product list to share with different customer segments (ie. Weight Loss, Skin Health, Anti-Aging, Clean Home Products, etc.).

  • November 2023 - January 2024 (Multiple Shareable Carts)

Shareable Cart continued to evolve with giving SMs detailed tracking to allow them better visibility into key data points, which translated directly into more successful sales strategies and improved sales revenue.

  • November 2024 - February 2025 (Social Marketer (SM) Link Tracking from Social Media)

Major Stakeholders

Modere Sales 

Social Marketers (SMs, Direct Sellers) 


Tools Used

Adobe XD, Outlook, Zoom, Azure DevOps, Aha!

My Role

UX, UI, Usability, mobile responsive, user testing 

The most enthusiastic advocates for the Multiple Shareable Carts project were the direct sellers in Australia. Shout out to the business analysts and foreign market representatives who helped me coordinate user feedback across the pond. 

Share the Love

In the first project that I worked on at Modere called Social Retail 2.0 (SocR 2.0) we updated our shareable cart feature that was only for SMs and made it so that any customer can make and share a cart.

A link would be created, and if someone clicked on that link and purchased something, both the original customer and the one who made the purchase would get Share the Love rewards and Modere would get more business.

Big Commerce Shareable Cart

Users could only create a shareable cart from the list view on the Shop All page, but navigating away made them lose the cart they were building. This meant they had to endlessly scroll through the entire product list to find what they needed.  

To fix this, we moved the shareable cart creation button to the actual Cart during the website re-platform. This enabled users to build their cart and create their shareable cart link seamlessly which drastically reduced user frustration and eliminated share cart confusion. 

Multiple Shareable Carts

Once a shared cart is created, it can’t be edited, and while SMs can track their link performance in the back office, customers can’t see if their links are being used or which ones are successful. Additionally, they have no way of saving their links, leading to the hassle of recreating them if lost.  

To solve this, I designed the Multiple Shareable Cart feature in Account Settings. Though it wasn’t implemented it would’ve enabled users to easily name, copy, and track their links. They could also make minor edits to carts, like changing a product flavor, without having to recreate the link, saving them significant accumulated time and effort. 

Click here to view the Adobe XD designs:

View Designs

Named Links and Tracking from Social Media

With the introduction of Product Partners (Affiliates) there needed to be a way for them to track the success of the links that they’ve shared on social media.

We gave them a way to do this by adding the ability to name the links when they are created. The back office was also updated to include data displays which show key information.


The latest upgrades to shared links have not yet launched, but when they do we will be monitoring the following: 

  • High engagement with the new feature, indicating that it is helpful.

  • Positive feedback regarding it’s ease of use.

  • Higher number of interaction with individual links, showing that people want to see how well they do in relation to social media posts and campaigns.

  • Fewer shareable cart links being generated that Modere needs to store and pay for.

Special shout out to my amazing team who worked so hard to make this project a success!